- Giugno 3, 2018
- by annalisa
- Commenti disabilitati su Marques Et Generics – Achat Aggrenox GA�nA�rique En France – Livraison dans le monde (3-7 Jours)
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Achat Aggrenox GA�nA�rique En France
Combien Ca Coute Aggrenox A Prix Reduit. Generic Aggrenox (aspirin and dipyridamole) works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain, fever, and inflammation. Patients taking Aggrenox twice daily are 22% less likely to have a stroke than patients taking low-dose aspirin (25 mg twice daily) alone. In addition, over 90% of patients using Aggrenox remained stroke-free for two years! Generic Aggrenox is also marketed as Persantine, Aspirin and Dipyridamole.
*AggrenoxA� is manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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